Holiday Pause + 2024 Plans

Hey! Remember me?

I know you’ve been on the edge of your seat, checking your phone constantly, unable to sleep, wondering when the next RD will drop.

Well, I took a Thanksgiving RD break. And now, I’m extending that break through the rest of the year.

Lots going on!

But don’t fret. RD is not going away. I’m taking this time to think through ways to make this better and more useful in 2024. Some ideas I’m toying with:

  • Separate policy deep dives and weekly recaps

  • Interviews with policymakers and practitioners

  • Industry-specific content

  • Presidential politics and histories

  • Small gatherings with focused policy discussions

Like these? Have any other ideas? Please let me know. The best part about this little venture has been hearing from and connecting with you all.

And this week, I’m celebrating the first birthday of my firm, Clearfork Strategies. If you see me eating cake alone in my car, you know why.

What a great experience this past year has been. Stressful? No doubt. But I’ve never had more fun. I’m especially grateful to all the clients that entrusted me with important matters. There is no higher compliment.

Got to do some pretty cool stuff:

  • Followed and engaged in five special sessions and an impeachment trial.

  • Represented clients on a range of regulatory and administrative law matters including electric power, transportation, real estate development.

  • Provided direct lobby representation to a diverse set of client industries including consulting, healthcare, automotive, technology, and energy.

  • Provided strategic counsel on government procurement and Minority/Women-Owned Business Enterprise issues in a large private equity acquisition.

  • Served as local counsel to a key witness in a large, multi-state government-led antitrust lawsuit.

  • Testified in favor of Senate Bill 1249 to spread the word about the miracle of living organ donation.

  • Published 20+ issues of Regulated Discourse on topics ranging from a history of lieutenant governors to public school finance to eminent domain.

  • Kept the Trader Joe’s flower section in business as my wife’s been graciously tending to our army of children during a crazy year (and is the most loyal, ride-or-die RD reader).

And I’m excited about a lot of growth to come in 2024. If you think I can help you, book a time with me and let’s talk.

What are some big things you did this year? Would love to hear what you’ve been up to.

Thanks again for reading and engaging. This has been a huge highlight of 2023 and it’s all thanks to y’all.

See you in 2024!
